10th anniversary

Scotland's Volunteer Hub raises £3,000

DKMS Scotland celebrates a great fundraising achievement with their the first-ever DKMS Scotland Gala.

DKMS Scotland's Gala, on 4 March 2023, celebrated the charity’s 10th anniversary, raising vital funds for the fight against blood cancer.

Organised by the leader of DKMS Scotland hub, Chris Bain, the event took place at Pittodrie Football Stadium, home of Aberdeen FC.

Your financial support really can save lives

Giving second chances at life

Chris is a lifesaver himself. He donated his stem cells in 2019, having joined the stem cell register through DKMS. Speaking about his donation, he said:

“The thought that I have given a family and their loved ones another chance at life is such a humbling feeling. A stem cell transplant can literally save someone's life.

“But DKMS needs to raise funds so it can continue to get people on the register, just like I was, and carry on this vital life-saving work. It costs £40 to register each donor, so it’s important we keep fundraising through events like this gala.”

Pete McCleave and Chris Bain, DKMS Scotland
DKMS Scotland Gala celebrations in progress with many red yellow and white ballons in the foreground
10th anniversary news