10th anniversary

Donor Kindness Makes Sense

Actress and DKMS Ambassador Priya Davdra is working with DKMS UK this September to raise awareness and encourage everyone to sign up as a stem cell donor.

Donor Kindness Makes Sense

Priya Davdra
Priya Davdra

Occupation: Priya is a British actress, known for portraying the role of Iqra Ahmed on the BBC soap opera EastEnders from 2019 to 2022.

Hopes for 2023, current hopes: I would like to see a significant rise in stem cell donors on the DKMS register this year, especially from the South Asian community. This will ultimately help save thousands of lives.

What amusing or interesting phrase do you think the initials DKMS could stand for in English?: Donor Kindness Makes Sense

What does DKMS mean to you?

DKMS means hope. For many people, the only cure lies in a stranger’s hands, someone they haven’t met, someone who has gone out of their way to donate. For me, this charity enables people to come together and make a significant impact.

Celebrating 10 years working in the UK!
Meet the patients, donors and key supporters helping us mark our special year

What is your relationship to DKMS?

DKMS' amazing work was highlighted to me some time ago and I was instantly drawn to working with the team to make an active difference in people's lives.

Priya Davdra wearing London Marathon medal
Priya holding a swab kit

Whether that involves fundraising events, campaigns, working closely with the families that are suffering, it’s about making positive change and raising awareness.

In 2021 I took on the massive challenge of the London Marathon! It was a great opportunity to raise awareness and funds for DKMS. Overall, I raised over £1,300 to help them register more potential lifesavers.

Ready to become a potential lifesaver? Join the register now

Have you, your close family or friends had experience of blood cancer?

I know of friends and family members that have suffered from this condition and unfortunately were not able to find a stem cell match. Grieving with the families made me realise how things could have been so different, which spurs me to continue to campaign.

Ideas for encouraging more stem cell donors

I think it’s all about learning and taking action. Helping everyone to learn what the disease is, how it’s treated and how easy and simple it is for people to take action and become a donor. I

stem cells
Find out more: blood stem cell transplants and donating blood stem cells
10th anniversary news