About DKMS

Meet our UK Team

The leadership team have a wealth of experience and are all passionate about our shared goals of helping blood cancer and blood disorder patients get a second chance at life.

Peter McCleave

Peter McCleave the Country Manager for DKMS, sitting at a park

Country Manager (Communications and Engagement)

Peter was appointed Country Manager (Communications and Engagement) in April 2024. He has over 25 years’ management experience working with internationally renowned organisations such as Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and National Express Group, specialising in transitioning and managing business units globally, setting strategic goals and running efficient teams through elimination of wasteful practices.

In his previous role with the Royal Bank of Scotland, Peter radically reduced staff turnover, delivered a full group restructure to a functionally aligned model having led a skills and experience review, as well as helping implement a targeted hiring strategy and designing and embedding a new suite of management tools.

Peter brings a wealth of experience and passion to DKMS. Since being diagnosed with myeloma in 2017, he founded the impactful 10,000 Donors organization, which to date has registered an impressive 108,126 new donors. He has also spearheaded the GobforGood campaign, raising awareness about stem cell registration, blood cancers and blood disorders. Before stepping into his current leadership position, Peter had already dedicated several years of volunteer service to DKMS.

Peter holds a private pilot’s license, and has completed many endurance challenges including the London to Paris Cycle Ride, Ironman, and Tough Mudder. He lives in Chester with his wife, Jenn, and their sons, Max and Seb.

Hasnein Alidina

The Country Manager at DKMS UK smiling

Country Manager (Finance & Operations)

Hasnein was appointed Country Manager (Finance & Operations) in June 2023. He oversees the finance, donor request management and donor services & data management departments, as well as all admin, logistics and IT operations of DKMS UK.

Hasnein joined DKMS in November 2016 as Head of Finance. He is a chartered accountant who trained with the Big Four accounting firms in the UK and was a senior manager with PwC in East Africa. He furthered his career in senior finance and business development roles in banking and later as Head of Finance & Corporate Services with global organisations in IT and data services, and the leisure and hospitality industries in the UK.

With over 40 years of experience in finance and corporate services, Hasnein is a key contributor to the growth of DKMS in the UK and continues to provide significant leadership in various global and local projects within DKMS.

Caroline Richardson

Caroline Richardson

Head of Fundraising

Caroline is responsible for creating and implementing a fundraising strategy that enables DKMS to register more potential lifesavers.

Caroline joined DKMS in April 2015 as the Corporate Fundraising Manager. The charity was only two years old in the UK, so she felt that it was a place of great opportunity, where she could really make a difference to people’s lives. She took over as the Head of Fundraising in 2018.

Caroline explained, "I lead a fantastic team of dedicated fundraisers working together to coordinate fundraising activities and events that encourage people to get involved and support the lifesaving work of DKMS UK. We are continuously inspired by our amazing supporters!"

Phil Hoffmann

Phil Hoffmann

Head of Marketing & Communications

Phil and his team are responsible for supporting all departments at DKMS UK with marketing and communications expertise. They ensure DKMS is always visible, promoting a consistent corporate written and visual style, and raising awareness and support for our mission by positioning DKMS in all relevant digital and print media.

Phil joined DKMS UK as Head of Marketing and Communications in June 2023. He first joined DKMS in Germany in 2013 where he held roles in online marketing and international digital project management.

“Being a bone marrow donor myself, I know how easy it can be to make a difference and save a life. I love being part of DKMS and supporting our mission with my knowledge and passion.”

Margaret Brett

Mararet Brett

Head of Finance

Margaret was promoted to Head of Finance in June 2023. She and her team are responsible for all the financial aspects of DKMS UK, including reporting, payments, and supporting all departments with their budgets, queries and any day-to-day financial management.

Margaret joined DKMS in 2019 as a management accountant with over 20 years experience in a home furnishings retail environment.

“I like working for a company that can make a difference to people’s lives.”

Sam McIntyre

Head of medical at DKMS smiling at the camera

Head of Donor Request Management

Sam, who joined DKMS UK in June 2024, leads the Donor Request Management department. Her team is responsible for liaising with and supporting our donors who have been identified as potential stem cell matches for patients. The department's work involves evaluating medical suitability and eligibility, managing all processes from blood testing, medical examination and appointments to the donation itself – guiding and advising the donor at all stages, and coordinating communications between all involved international and national parties.

Sam has previously managed healthcare quality, policy, research, and communications teams and brings over 15 years of experience to the organisation. She has worked in emergency medicine, rheumatology, and psychiatry.

Sam says "I have been registered as a stem cell donor since I was old enough, and this is a subject very close to my heart. Before I turned 18, I worked with a lady who was sadly diagnosed with blood cancer, and I vividly remember everyone we worked with, and their families, registering. Sadly, my colleague did not find her matching donor, but I remember her bravery often. I am now so humbled to be able to work with the incredible, talented DKMS team as we give people a second chance at life”.

Regina Salih

Regina smiling into the camera

HR Manager

Regina supports the organisation and its staff with recruitment, payroll, performance management, employee relations, benefits administration, training, learning and development and all other HR matters.

Regina joined DKMS in 2018 because she was looking for a role with a cause. She always knew it would be a charity connected to cancer due to losing her grandfather, aunt and cousin to the disease. She explains, "I knew immediately that I could contribute to DKMS by recruiting amazing, talented, passionate people committed to giving patients a second chance at life.

"I love being so close to the cause and working with equally passionate colleagues. My hope for DKMS is that it continues to grow and provides even more matches for those who need a second chance at life."

Josh Winter

The Customer Services Manager at DKMS UK smiling

Head of Donor Services

Josh, who joined DKMS UK in August 2020, leads the Donor Support Department. His team are responsible for making it as simple as possible to be a registered DKMS donor. As well as managing the daily enquiries from potential and existing donors, they cover the operational logistics and ensure our database of donors is updated, an essential part of contacting matching donors as soon as possible.

Josh previously managed customer service departments in various industries and brings over 10 years of experience to the organisation. When the position to build and develop donor support at DKMS became available, Josh was “excited by the opportunity to transfer his skillset to an organisation that can make such a positive impact on someone’s life.”

Josh said “My team and I have great career experience in helping others find solutions to problems. We are very proud to work somewhere that aims to do this for someone at a time when it is most needed. I work with a brilliant team that successfully drives great customer service and support both internally with each department, as well as externally with our registered donors.”

Hannah Tarrant

Head of donor recruitment at DKMS smiling at the camera

Donor Recruitment Team Lead

Hannah and her team are responsible for raising awareness and registering new potential donors. The team works closely with patients, their families and supporters to create registration events that encourage more people to register as donors. Hannah joined DKMS UK in 2019 as a Donor Recruitment Manager, before transitioning into the Global Reputation Management Team, supporting other DKMS entities to improve donor recruitment. She took over as Team Lead for donor recruitment in the UK in 2023.

“I love working for a cause where we can tangibly see the difference we are making. It is great to have the opportunity to speak to lots of different people and encourage them to register as potential donors with the ultimate aim of giving patients the match they need.”

More about DKMS and DKMS UK
Help us find more donors
Everyone who needs a blood stem cell transplant must find their potential donor. Can you help?