Sharing your story

Sharing your story can be a powerful and inspiring way to motivate others to join the stem cell register. Many patients and their families find that telling their personal experiences helps to raise awareness and encourage people to become potential donors.

At DKMS, we understand the importance of these narratives and handle them with the utmost sensitivity and respect. We ensure that you remain in control of your story, deciding what details are shared and how they are presented across our various platforms.

By sharing your journey, you contribute to a global community dedicated to saving lives. Your story has the potential to reach thousands of people through our extensive network, including social media channels, educational campaigns, and community events. This exposure can make a significant difference, inspiring others to register as stem cell donors and possibly saving lives.

We are committed to supporting you through this process, providing guidance and assistance to ensure your story is told in a way that feels right for you. Your experience is unique and valuable, and by sharing it, you play a crucial role in our mission to fight blood cancer and other blood disorders.

If you are interested in sharing your story, please reach out to us. Together, we can make a difference and bring hope to those in need.

If you or someone you know is searching for a stem cell donor, contact us